Winter is in the air and we’re all waiting for that first big snow storm to blow in and stick in the valley. Regardless of whether we’re ready for it, winter is headed our way, so why not get prepared before it takes its toll? Your Lexus needs a little love and care to prepare for the months ahead. To get the best traction and stay safe on the road, prepare with these four tips.
Ensure that your tires are ready to hit the road. We all know that traction is of the utmost importance during the colder months, so it’s vital to ensure that your tires are in tip-top shape. Snow tires are also a great way to help avoid any slips. Helping you stop at twice the distance of all-season tires when traveling at 60 mph, having snow tires this season is a no-brainer when preparing for the icy roads to come.
Test your battery. Did you know that extreme heat and cold can severely shorten the life of your car battery? By having it tested, you can avoid your car not starting and having to sit out in the cold while you wait for a jump. We’re happy to help with your car’s needs here at Larry H. Miller Lexus of Lindon to get you all squared away for the winter months.
Pack a winter supply box. It’s a good idea to always have emergency supplies in your car with a first aid kit and a jack in case of a flat tire. But as temperatures drop, it’s time to add more to it. To be prepared for whatever the season throws at you, pack blankets, hats, a small shovel, and snacks in your winter supply box. Bring it on, winter. We’ll be prepared for whatever you throw our way.
Refill all fluids. Start by checking your fluid levels. If the coolant, oil, or wiper fluids are low, it’s time to replenish. For the coolant and wiper fluid, it is extremely important to ensure that they are freeze-resistant to keep things flowing through the freezing temperatures. For your oil change, we’ll take care of it at Lexus of Lindon.
Once you check off all the things your car needs to make it through the cold, it’s more likely to run at peak performance during the winter months. No matter your winter preparation needs, we can help you get ready. Schedule your appointment with us today and take on the cold like a champ. You’ll be happy you got a head start when Mother Nature takes a turn for the worse.